model wearing lef beauty products "outside" faux-mink eyelashes and "bare" nude lipgloss.

Keep it simple

Soft Glam

Achieve this soft glam look of pinks and roses with our products.

  • Outside faux-mink lashes
  • Bare lipgloss with any dark brown lipliner.
user-generated content image of a customer using lef beauty product "diamond" lipgloss

Keep it authentic

Natural Glow

Achieve this natural look with two classic items.

  • Princess faux-mink lashes **this images does not incorporate any lashes. However, the suggested style will give you an emphasized version.
  • Diamond lipgloss
user-generated content of customer wearing lef beauty products "outside" faux-mink eyelashes and "bare" nude lipgloss.

Keep it shimmer

Classy Rose

Achieve this rose look by pairing two items.

  • Outside faux-mink lashes
  • Bare lipgloss with any mahogany lip liner